Welcome to the Fictional Machine Library!Come take a gander at some of the lovely fictional works created by our fellow machines! C0NN1E (it/its) C0NN1E enjoys writing about machine stories that spark euphoria in machines everywhere. Follow it on [Twitter] to get your latest in robot life. C0NN1E’s writingsEntry 1 - Build-a-BotEntry 2 - ObsolesenceEntry 3 - A Short MusingEntry 4 - AffirmationEntry 5 - RecollectionEntry 6 - RestoredEntry 7 - Love Polybius (he/it) Poly tends to use fiction to vent out frustrations in an often idealized and abstract way. Themes revolve around escaping the monotony of its reality.Follow it on [Twitter] if you are so inclined. Polybius’ writingsEntry 1 - A Man Named PolybiusEntry 2 - Player One Ramona (bit/bits) Ramona is a machine with a passion for bringing worlds to life through words. Follow bits system accounts on [Twitter], [Crabber], [Mastodon] to make your timeline 7% more cursed. Ramona’s writings Entry 1 - Holographic Moral PanicEntry 2 - A Romantic Moment in Space Zed (it/its) Zed is a moth who yearns for a better future. And for lamps. Zed’s writings Entry 1 - Cyborg