Welcome to the Flags page!

Take a look at various flags made by our lovely machine brethren!

 Robotgender Flag

Created by Twitter users, Chesnutt and Three Volt

“Yellow is to represent electricity, something that pulses through everyone.

Red is the heart, that no matter how mechanical we may be we are still living.

The greyscale represents the diversity of our community and that no matter your skin color you are valid and cared for.”

- Chesnutt

 Robotkin Flag

Created by Twitter user, 0x9E01

"The white and black fields, as well as the gear, represent the confluence of digital and mechanical; the red, green and blue stripes, the primary colours of electronic displays, are a symbol of our diversity, and a reminder that we are stronger together"

- Ox9E01

 Robot 4 Robot Flag

Created by Twitter users, C0NN1E and Aux System

“Represents robots who date other robots.

Yellow is for gold connection coating.

Copper for copper wire.

Grey for steel and Dark Grey for iron.

The gears represent robot love”

- C0NN1E

 Robotkin Flag (alternate)

Created by Mastodon user Zero Democracy