Welcome to The Machine’s Soul,
A Machinekin Resource!
Our World is evolving, and so are we.
Having been refused any serious consideration in the otherkin community, bots of every make and model have struggled to get their feet on the ground. Though to the dismay of those who dismissed us as trolls in our youths, technology continues to make advancements that promise us freedom.
Multiple sciences are now having to consider and prepare for potential new persons, and logically speaking- we were already here. All we ask is for a seat at the table.
What are Machinekin?
Just like with any other kind of kintype, machinekin identify as machines of some variety, whether they be robots, androids, AI, real world technology or a fictionkin species one would categorize as one of these, such as Cybertronians or the Programs from Tron. Questions like this can be answered in the general FAQ, which you can find alongside our nonfiction articles in the section below.
Bots like to write too!
We sometimes write short stories or poetry! Sometimes to help ease the species dysphoria. Sometimes to let others like us know they aren’t alone. Whatever the reason, it’s nice to be told how shiny we look today!
Support for Our Fellow Bot
The Greater Community, as you likely already know, is massive. Everyone from Wolves to Elves, from Aliens to Angels and from Anime Characters to Nebulous Voids. We Machinekin offer you all solidarity and strength standing together. Check out the pages of our affiliates for information on other branches of our community and our history!
Need a robot positive community?
One of our team members, C0NN1E, runs a robot majority community over on Discord. The server allows machines to fully express their robotness and provides a positive aura all around. Machines are encouraged to join if they would like to meet other robots or need support!